Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Setting for The Executioner's Daughter

The setting for the Executioner's Daughter by Laura E. Williams has an interesting, albeit commonly used setting. It is during the Middle Ages, at around 1450. Most of the story is in a house set apart from a medieval town and also a forest. The house where Lily (our main character) has one room, with a small kitchen area, a dining table, a bed, a corner set for Lily, and a place for her father's tools. They also had an apothecary, where they mixed herbs to help heal people. The forest was used to get herbs, but it was also Lily's favorite place to be, and it is mentioned throughout the story. I'm not sure id the town is a major part of the story yet, but it is mentioned once of twice, and Lily does not seem to like the town very much. So far that is all there is to the setting of The Executioner's Daughter,

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